Clashof-bot - Yoshh,, kali ini clashbot emang sudah bukan beta lagi , dan sudah benar-benar di rilis untuk semua member boostbot, di Clashbot 7.9 Full Release ini ada banyak fitur dan bug yang sudah dikerjakan oleh pihak boostbot semenjak beta di rilis hanya untuk vip.
Release 7.9 Contains:
- Works with TH11 Update
- New deadbase detection with added improvement for lower level players!
- Bot can now successfully zoom out and scroll to fit the new base size!
- Spell Training Added!
- Spell Donating Added!
- Brand New, Very Fast Authentication System
- Grand Warden can be boosted and used during attacks!
- Added "Upon Finding a Base.." options in the Misc tab with new "Stop bot when base is found" option
- Added ability to save, load and share all of your settings with a file
- Added All Attack Algorithms for Normal Bases
- Added New 'Storages' Attack Algorithm
- Added Support for new BlueStacks Messages and Break Handling
- Heroes Get Activated Before a Surrender/End Battle to save health
- Force Attack button attacks the current base instead of the next one (can be used with Base Skip Delay to provide extra time to hit the button)
Bug Fixes/Improvements
- Improved Deadbase Detectoin
- Fixed "can't find def" errors
- Fixed Smart Donation
- Fixed end battle if no resource change and star
- Fixed Zooming ut errors
- Another fix for '1' getting added to beginning of upgrade prices
- Fixed log-in issues
- Wall upgrading overhaul: lots of performance improvements, and elixir upgrades should work properly now
- Play custom sound when base is found
- Fixed four finger troop order
- Fix for dark barracks not training when regular barracks is upgrading
- Speed/stability improvements
- "Return home after x bases" only returns home when your camps aren't full
Clashbot 7.9.0 ini masih versi free dan belum ke unlock semua, mungkin beberapa minggu sampai bot ini benar2 tidak ada bug lagi akan dibuatkan crack/patchnya oleh Exclusive atau yang lainnya.
25 komentar
crack nya admin plese.... byar bs user upgrade.
ada cracknya ga min?
di tunggu cracknya suhu
kalo diklik kok malah keluar downloadnya document to pdf yah?
aman sentosa mba walau ngga VIP jalan aja dengan aman
cracknya ditunggu min
ko create account ke websitenya gagal aja? mohon bantuanya
mas cara setup farming th 9 nya sama kaya di artikel sebelumnya ya mas?apa beda bot beda cara? :3
sama kok mas
critical error kenape ya bang? pakek W7 32 bit, udah ada Net frameworknya 4.5.2
biar lebih jelas ini SS nya bang
ada warning cannot load btn_surrender gtu
boleh minta crack nya??
sama nih.. minta solusi nya
sama nich... waktu pagi jam 7 masih bisa.. tapi jam 8.30 crash "cannot load btn_surrender"
samaaa....canot load bbtn_surrender
cracknya semoga cepet keluar...,,,.,.,
coba update bluestack
persiss sama cannot btn_endsurrender
kok pakai registrasi sodara..??
bukan masalah bluestack nya gan, di buka aja ndak bisa, apa masalah Windows nya? adminnya kemana ya
I'm just a user who wants to help! =)
This is my personal configuration for th 11:
Keep slighty dead base active if you want have more gold than elix. No difference for DE
boleh ajarkan setting nya,,aku tak bisa,,,hasilnya hanya sedikit aja,,,