Clashof-bot - Mybot telah mengeluarkan versi terbaru Mybot v4.2.2 pada versi terbaru ini hanya ada perbaikan saja dari versi yang v4.2, pada blog ini saya juga belum memposting Mybot v4.2, jadi saya langsung longkap ke versi yang terbaru saja.
Change Log 4.2.2
- Fix the Color and position for Train Button
Change Log 4.2.1
- Fix the Donate All function
- Fix the Locate Barracks when one barrack is Upgrading
- Fix the Spells creation , reset the variables and Stop/Start Bot
- Minor GUI glitch, redline near Mine checkbox contained a text, now it is blank
- Fix some spelling setlogs
- Force random to put integer values in Attack algorithm
- Fix the Armycamp size error because the Chat is Open
- Improve the Train System , now goes from Left to Right ArmyOverView window to Dark Spell Factory.
Change Log 4.2
- New Icon and Banner - MyBot
- Enhanced Statistics with cool icons and loads of data
- User DPI setting confirmation and warning if not correct
- Spell creation capability
- Boost Heroes
- Boost Dark Spell Factory
- OCR name of Buildings
- Single barracks boost capability
- Add Scheduler to Boost Barracks
- Read the Clan level and limits donate troops (5/6/8)
- Use Spells in TH Snipes
- Use Heroes in TH snipes
- Possibility of custom deploy in TH snipes
- Add Options to TH Snipes
- Train system balance troops in TH snipes
- Add the Cyrillic Alphabet to Donate troops
- The Config file saved in Unicode to use the Cyrillic Alphabet
- User Selectable Random Delay for Village Searching Anti-Bot avoidance
- Added set/reset buttons for quick editing AM/PM rows in DonateCC/RequestCC time intervals on expert tab
- Expanded Take-A-Break detection to include idle times
- Removed some old code
- Removed the Locate ArmyCamp , Barracks and Clan Castle from the First Run function
- Wall upgrade execution speed improvement (removed direct calls to GUI)
- Wall level 10 with extra 2 pictures
Fixed Issues :
- Turned on the check version feature
- Search Mode button fixed, and should work properly every time now
- Added missing CheckPower flags to drop trophy to enable hero activation before exiting like normal in return home process
- Added variable wait delay on Army camp size OCR that was impacted by extended donation message text.
- Total camp size not correct when switching profiles
- Prevent random troop drop due blind button clicks by return home function
- Zoom out issue when tall trees are located at top corner of base
- Smart Attack 4 sides , some times was reported 3 sides deploy instead of 4
- Pushbullet crash or errors when there are internet connection issues
- Fix the delete remain dark Troops
- Others minor issues fixed
4 komentar
gan kok pas lagi atk arror ya gamau atak suruh restart bot nya
kapan ya yng mod nya keluar..pasti lebih mantap....thanks..
ditunggu saja ya om
min cara downloadnya gh mana