Saturday, September 26, 2015

MyBot v4.1.1 MOD #17

Clashof-bot - Pada bulan lalu GameBot merubah nama dan botnya menjadi MyBot karena ada hacker yang membobol database forum, MyBot dan GameBot tidak ada bedanya kecuali hanya namanya saja. Master Compilation sendiri menggunakan versi v4.1.1 untuk MODnya yang baru #MyBot v4.1.1 #17.

Master Compilation #17

Feature List #17

A - TheMaster1st MOD
1- BottomThSnipeMod
it will only work with the mod th snipe attacks
GiBAM,SmartBarch,BarchRider,ModifiedGBarch,Wizard,Dragon, PB6
and will not work with barch,normal,extreme,Gbarch attacks 
for vps users please choose side Attack 
2- MasterGiBAM v2.0
3- Train Any Spells
4- Advanced stats
5- Mod Snipe Attack function to deploy heroes separately
6 - Remotely Adding of mods
7- Snipe Only Button To Change Your Settings to snipe only mode
8- snippet Global Error handling
9- snippet Set bluestacks on top 
10 - Improved training order
11- use Spells for TH Attacks
12- use healer if available for TH attacks
13- New logo
B- Forum Mods All is modified and Fixed before adding by me
1- BarchRider by @shariqriaz  ( Modified By Me)
2-  PB6: New TH Snipe Attack Type  by  @mojacka   ( Modified By Me )
3- TH SNIPE TROOPS WIZARD by bushido-21 ( Modified By Me )  
4- TH SNIPE TROOPS DRAGON by @swvr  ( Modified By Me)
5- TH SNIPE  SMARTBARCH  ( Modified By Me)
6- HERO UPGRADE CONTINUES by @zombie  ( Modified By Me )
7-  CLEAR OBSTACLE  by @zombie  ( Modified By Me )
8- Better Wall Find For Upgrade  by @zombie  ( Modified By Me )
9- TRAIN WHILE TH SNIPE by @ChiefM3 ( Modified By Me )
10 - 4 Fingers Barch by @mhazwankamal  ( Modified By Me )
11- Additional Th images by @barracoda  ( Modified By Me )
12 -DE Smart Zap Drills  by @drei3000 &  @knowjack ( Modified By Me )
13 - check for Dark Elixir Full by @djbooya  ( Modified By Me )
14 -Th snipe ModifiedGbarch by @barracoda  ( Modified By Me )
       Modified to use the new modified th attacks with bottom attacks and spells use and cc and heroes  single deployment
15 - Detect Trapped TH for TH Sniping by @zombie based on @barracoda  work  ( Modified By Me)  With GUI
16 - 2 image verification of TH level and Location by @ezeck0001 based on @barracoda  work  ( Modified By Me)
17 - Import/Export Settings by @fo0man ( Modified By Me)
18 - SAVE TROOPS FOR COLLECTORS by @mhazwankamal  ( Modified By Me)
19 - CGBSTATS.CF- TRACK BOT STATISTIC ONLINE by @DankMemes  ( Modified By Me) With GUI
20 - Hide BS Icon from Taskbar by @neojhz
21 - GTFO by @coldfire2k
22 - SUB DONATE TROOPS by @coldfire2k
23 - PROFILE SWITCHER by @Knowkones
24 - Attack TH lavaloonion by  @mojacka   

*NB (Modified By Me = TheMaster1st)

Tags: coc bot, mybot, cara menggunakan bot, mybot v4.1.1, gamebot terbaru, clashgamebot, mybot mod, bot coc terbaru

4 komentar

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Gan bot ini work di resolusi brapa bluestack ?

gan yg coc yg update baru udh ada?

