Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Gamebot Berubah Menjadi MyBot

Clashof-bot - Udah lama tidak posting karena sibuk urusan kuliah , pas libur iseng-iseng cek email dan ternyata ada kiriman sebab Forum Game Bot telah mati dan berubah Domain menjadi MyBot.Run. 

"What happened to the GameBot project?"

We will try to keep this simple and only give the facts that we know for sure.
1) On the 28th of August the DNS for the domain name was updated making the site go offline. Three people had access to do this and when we checked the DNS control panel, the password had been changed and one of the three people had 'disappeared'.
2) On the 30th of August the person who disappeared had returned claiming to have been hacked, and the hacker had changed the DNS and stolen all of's donations. The DNS was updated and returned online.
3) On the 31st of August the DNS for was again changed back to the same settings that made the domain go offline.
4) The person who had control of the domain informed the staff that he was going on holiday, and stayed offline along with the Facebook / Twitter pages.

Jadi domainnya mati karena ada pembaruan DNS dan tidak di ubah , maka menjadi offline. dan ada hacker yang mengambil alih dan mengambil semua donasi yang ada di kenapa tidak ada pemberitahuan di fanspage resminya? 
dikarenakan staff yang mengurus FB/Twitter Page sedang berlibur.

"Apa Bisa Saya Login Menggunakan Akun GameBot.Org?"

Bisa, karena pihak sudah membackup dan merestore data-data ke domain yang baru yaitu MyBot.Run

"Saya Ingin Membantu GameBot, Bagaimana Caranya?"
Kalian bisa mendonasikan uang kalian melalui paypal dan kalian akan mendapatkan Tag "VIP" yang kalian bisa miliki di forum MyBot.Run

GameBot Down
GameBot Hacked
GameBot ro MyBot.Run

