Saturday, August 8, 2015

Clash Game Bot V4.1.1 Terbaru

Clashof-bot - Gamebot telah merilis Clash Game Bot versi v4.1.1 pada hari kamis kemarin untuk memperbaiki beberapa bug yang ada di v4.1 dan memnambah beberapa fitur barunya.

Artikel Terkait : Tutorial Menggunakan Clash Game Bot

Change Log V4.1.1


  • Collecting Mines/pumps with Collect resources disabled
  • Bot not clearing shield after Take-A-Break, and not attacking loop
  • Barracks mode with an additional dark troops training issues
  • Slow close of Profile Report window creating errors and not attacking loops
  • Bot doesn't pre-cook dark troops
  • Training troops capacity problem, trouble reading number "2"
  • Balloons in First slot position during attack returning the incorrect number
  • TH Snipe not deploying Hero's or Clan Castle
  • BS but not CoC opened when bot 1st started
  • Boosting barracks confuses troop training
  • Wallbreaker training issues
  • Rare problem with reading "a" and "o" in building text OCR
  • Unbreakable mode unnecessary farming due default values reversed
  • Added Y offset to auto windows arrange to fix bad positions
  • Donated troops not subtracted from camp properly, and train not adding troops properly
  • Temporarily removed automatic version check due issues with GitHub repo
  • Upgrade lab occasionally not reading values correctly for page 2 of lab upgrades
  • Gem window not always closing if out of elixir during troop training
  • modified open BS to stop a random recursive loop event
  • village search not seeing OOS for 5 loops and going inactive and losing trophy


  • Zoom out not working if user has black pixels in same place as window check
  • Removed wall upgrade disable if code cannot find anymore walls to upgrade, keeps trying forever even if it’s hopeless
  • Changed minimum troop requirements for unbreakable mode based on the attack dead base setting
  • Troop training and balancing code adjusted for fewer out of balance events during TH Snipe
  • Adjusted log messages for "out of Elixir" during training to show type of elixir
  • Reset fast attack flag if Take-A-Break event happens to avoid rare looping issues due multiple errors.
  • Increased Village search max wait times to compensate for slow PC with variable loop to not impact normal PC
  • Changed barracks mode training to add max number of troops for lvl10 barracks
  • Increased searching speed by removing unnecessary weak base searching, if other resource conditions are not met.
  • Process to stop and Start BS/CoC for OOS or other errors
  • Changed close BS code to include a stop of all processes and services.
  • change order of profile report and village report to avoid replication of function calls.


  • Error trap, and restart BS when BS is not running to avoid getBSPos crash
  • Missing icons for Dark spells used in Lab Upgrade GUI
  • Code to remove ghost icons created by restarting BS
  • Button to misc tab to reset all building information by deleting building.ini

1 komentar so far

selamat sore maw tanya apakah bisa menggunakan selain bluestack?

