Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Clash Game Bot V4.1.1 MOD Terbaru

Clashof-bot - Clash Game Bot adalah aplikasi bot untuk clash of clans yang kegunaannya adalah program komputer yang dijalankan di PC yang khusus dibuat untuk melakukan pekerjaan-pekerjaan otomatis seperti membuat troops, search, attack maupun donasi.

Fitur di MASTER COMPILATION #11 ini di antaranya:

1- BottomThSnipeMod
2- MasterGiBAM v2.0
3- Train Any Spells
4- Advanced stats
5- Mod Snipe Attack function to deploy heroes separately
6 - Remotely Adding of mods
7- Snipe Only Button To Change Your Settings to snipe only mode
8- snippet Global Error handling
9- snippet Set bluestacks on top
10 - Improved training order
11- use Spells for TH Attacks
12- use healer if available for TH attacks
( mod by TheMaster1st )
1- BarchRider by @shariqriaz  ( Modified By TheMaster1st)
2-  PB6: New TH Snipe Attack Type  by  @mojacka   ( Modified By TheMaster1st)
3- TH SNIPE TROOPS WIZARD by bushido-21 ( Modified By TheMaster1st)
4- TH SNIPE TROOPS DRAGON by @swvr  ( Modified By TheMaster1st)
5- TH SNIPE  SMARTBARCH  ( Modified By TheMaster1st)
6- HERO UPGRADE CONTINUES by @zombie  ( Modified By TheMaster1st )
7-  CLEAR OBSTACLE  by @zombie  ( Modified By TheMaster1st )
8- Better Wall Find For Upgrade  by @zombie  ( Modified By TheMaster1st )
9- TRAIN WHILE TH SNIPE by @ChiefM3 ( Modified By TheMaster1st )
10 - 4 Fingers Barch by @mhazwankamal  ( Modified By TheMaster1st )
11- Additional Th images by @barracoda  ( Modified By TheMaster1st )
12 -DE Smart Zap Drills  by @drei3000 &  @knowjack ( Modified By TheMaster1st )
13 - check for Dark Elixir Full by @djbooya  ( Modified By TheMaster1st )
14 -Th snipe ModifiedGbarch by @barracoda  ( Modified By TheMaster1st )
       Modified to use the new modified th attacks with bottom attacks and spells use and cc and heroes  single deployment
15 - Detect Trapped TH for TH Sniping by @zombie based on @barracoda  work  ( Modified By TheMaster1st)  With GUI
16 - 2 image verification of TH level and Location by @ezeck0001 based on @barracoda  work  ( Modified By TheMaster1st)
17 - Import/Export Settings by fo0man ( Modified ByTheMaster1st)
18 - SAVE TROOPS FOR COLLECTORS by @mhazwankamal  ( Modified By TheMaster1st)

Tags :
Clash Game Bot V4.1.1
Clash Game Bot V4.1.1 Latest Version
Cara Menggunakan Bot Clash of Clans
Cara Menggunakan Clash Game Bot

